Latest News & Works

Shaun Mason Studio Setup

It’s always very humbling seeing people’s creative spaces with my art on the walls, Shaun Mason here with his studio setup, the acoustic panels are from my friends at Psy Acoustics.

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New Freefly Rob Heron Wingsuit Pics

Something I never imagined seeing in life is my art flying through the sky. Very humbled and thankful to my friends Freefly Rob and Chris Byrnes for these beautiful photos. Every day I’m blown away by people’s imagination and creativity in using my artworks in their daily lives and it fills me with an immense sense of gratitude.

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Buddhist Wall Art Collection

The word “buddha” means “awakened one” or “the enlightened one”. There are many different schools of thought in Buddhism, each teaching its own set of beliefs. In general, Buddhists believe that everything is connected and…

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Meditation Floor Pillows

Whether creating your quality zen meditation setting, inspiring creative studio space, or just decorating your couch & bed…

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“Twins” International Visionary Art Exhibition – Italy

I’ll be exhibiting some artwork at this years “Twins” International Visionary Art Exhibition in Sommatino, Italy from June 5th – 12th, 2022.
It’s always such a pleasure participating in the Leoni Art Project exhibitions put together by my friend Corrado Leoni, and this year there are some wonderful artists for people to check out.

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fantasy woodland artwork of mage adventurer and autumn tree by Cameron Gray

New Art Release “Woodland Realm”

The latest artwork is now up on the Gallery Page in the Dreamscapes Gallery.
Art prints, Posters and other products are also…

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New Art Release “Cleansing The Self”

The latest artwork is now up on the Gallery Page in the Higher Consciousness Gallery.
Art prints, Posters and other products are also…

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New Art Release “A Spark In The Universe”

The latest artwork is now up on the Gallery Page in the Higher Consciousness Gallery.
Art prints, Posters and other products are also…

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Featured Posters January 2022

Featured Posters for January in the store section at…

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Jordan Rudess of Dream Theater, Home Studio Setup

I’m incredibly humbled to have my artwork on the wall of one of my all time favourite musicians, Jordan Rudess, keyboardist & producer for Dream Theater. My friends at PsyAcoustics provided these custom made acous…

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